Access to high-quality education provides among the single greatest ROI of donor dollars.
Every $1 invested in early childcare education saves up to $17 long-term and generates $1.79 in economic activity immediately. That’s why we provide flexible Pre-K scholarships to children of families in need through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and United Way funding.
While all kids benefit from early education, decades of research show that children from low-income families show the greatest gains.
Investment in Pre-K education, including Pre-K Counts and Pre-K scholarships.
Vision and hearing screenings provided to children enrolled in Pre-K Counts programs, free of charge.
Number of children who received a high-quality Pre-K education through UW Bucks’ Pre-K Counts grant and Pre-K scholarships.
In 2023, UW Bucks was awarded a substantial 96% increase in Pre-K Counts funding, allowing us to serve (at full capacity) an approximately 200 additional children.