Last year, Rolling Harvest Food Rescue was approached the United Way of Bucks County to be part of a pilot program called Bucks Knocks Out Hunger to address hunger in the county. Here at RHFR, we recognized it as an opportunity to help spread the word about what we’ve been working so hard to help alleviate: food-insecurity, poor nutrition and the struggles that so many of our neighbors are experiencing in these challenging economic times.
United Way has an unequaled ability to bring people together for causes that can improve so many lives. Similarly, volunteerism is at the core of what we do at Rolling Harvest. We depend on the generosity and compassion of local farmers, local food producers and a network of people to help us get super-healthy, locally grown food to the people who need it the most, but rarely have access.
Along with more than 40 dedicated volunteers, Rolling Harvest has delivered more than 270,000 pounds—that’s more than a million servings of fruits, veggies and meats – to Bucks, Hunterdon and Mercer Counties. BKO Hunger was an opportunity for us to expand our impact even further.
So what is our role in knocking out hunger? Working together with the Bucks County Opportunity Council, we procure the freshest and most desired produce at significantly discounted prices with funds donated by county residents and businesses.
We have connections and relationships with many Bucks County farmers, including organic farms large and small. Our wonderful local growers are thrilled to support United Way’s mission once again this year, to help local agencies and food pantries provide healthier, fresher, and more delicious food to families, children, seniors, disabled and the hard-working people struggling to make ends meet.
Imagine turning every food pantry into a mini farmers’ market; holding frequent free farm market events at local hunger-relief sites to sample just-picked fresh greens and seasonal veggies; sharing ideas about nutrition and healthy diets; handing out recipes with foods now regularly available at pantries and shelters. All this is being done thanks to this collaboration. And so many are benefiting.
You can help us accomplish even more this year with your donation to support BKO Hunger.
So please — GIVE to knock out hunger in Bucks County!
About the contributor: Cathy Snyder is a local anti-hunger and food justice activist. Four years ago she founded, and is now the Executive Director of, Rolling Harvest Food Rescue. Cathy also serves as a board member of the Bucks County Foodshed Alliance and is an active member of the Hunger Nutrition Coalition. Check them out at and on Facebook!